Sunday Service – 5/12/24

Welcome to our service page. We’re glad you’re here!

Our Sunday morning services start at 10:45. We have in-person Sunday school at 9:45.


  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King
  • Living Hope

Scripture Readings

  • Opening Psalm: Psalm 131
  • Sermon Texts: Isaiah 66:13; Mathew 23:37; Hosea 11:1-9


  • Wednesday Night Activities
    • Dinner at 5:30pm
      • Chicken Fried Chicken
    • Age-Based Activities at 6:15pm
      • Music, Activities, and Bible Lesson for the Kids
      • Bible Study in the Book of Revelation
  • Graduate Sunday
    • Next week
    • Please give Sherry the names of any graduates
  • Kids’ Camps
    • Elementary Camp (finished grades 1-3), July 12-15
    • Preteen Camp (Finished Grades 4-6), July 16-20
    • Registration Deadline July 1

Service Video

Sermon Title: “Heavenly Mother”

Weekly Practice


Scripture: John 17:6-19

THIS WEEK, TRADE your accomplished multitasking abilities for doing only one thing at a time. Multitasking is certainly not sinful, but it can make it hard for us to focus on what’s right in front of us. Jesus has prayed that we will be united, protected, filled with joy, and aware of the truth. Distraction and busyness have a way of working against each of these. If you usually make phone calls while you drive, just drive. If you usually scroll through social media as you watch a movie, do one or the other but not both. When you are with family or friends, give your full attention to your conversation. Enjoy the freedom of being undivided, and live in one moment, with one purpose at a time. You may even become aware that Jesus’s prayers for you are being answered.

Have a blessed week!

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