Sunday Service – 6/2/24

Welcome to our service page. We’re glad you’re here!

Our Sunday morning services start at 10:45. We have Sunday school at 9:45.


  • Praise Him! Praise Him!
  • Blessed Be the Name
  • Learning to Lean
  • Goodness of God
  • Holy Spirit

Scripture Readings

  • Opening Psalm: Psalm 22
  • Sermon Text: Mark 10:17-31


  • Wedding Reception/Shower for Ryan and Alexis Hofer
    • At 2:00 this afternoon
    • All are invited to attend
  • Wednesday Night Activities
    • Dinner at 5:30pm
      • Sandwiches
    • Age-Based Activities at 6:15pm
      • Music, Activities, and Bible Lesson for the Kids
      • Bible Study in the Book of Revelation
  • Kids’ Camps
    • Elementary Camp (finished grades 1-3), July 12-15
    • Preteen Camp (Finished Grades 4-6), July 16-20
    • Registration Deadline July 1

Service Video

Sermon Title: “Possible with God”

Weekly Practice


THE STORY OF Jonah is both fascinating and challenging. This week, set aside thirty to sixty minutes to read the story of Jonah in its entirety. Enter into it as you would a novel or short work of fiction, noticing all the details and becoming absorbed in the story. After you’ve read it, prayerfully consider the following questions. You might want to journal and/or dialogue with others about your thoughts.

  • Which characters exemplify righteousness in this story?
  • What do you learn about God through this story?
  • What does this story say about humans, especially God-fearing ones?
  • What questions does this story raise for you?
  • Why do you think this story is included in Scripture?
  • With whom do you most identify in this story, and why?
  • How is God challenging or encouraging you through Jonah’s story?

Have a blessed week!

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