Sunday Service – 11/17/24
Welcome to our service page. We’re glad you’re here!
Our Sunday morning services start at 10:45. We have Sunday school at 9:45.
- He Keeps Me Singing
- Blessed Be the Name
- Open Our Eyes Lord
- 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
- Jesus Messiah
Scripture Readings
- Opening Psalm: Psalm 16
- Sermon Texts: 2 Kings 7:3-20; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20
- No Wednesday Night Activities this Week
- Christmas Float Team
- Let’s meet Tuesday 11/19 @ 6:00 pm
- Decorating for Christmas
- Those who would like to help decorate for Christmas, please plan on staying after church next Sunday morning
- The Journey from Saint to Santa
- On Sunday, December 1st we will have Pastor Trey Brooks with us to share his event about the history of Saint Nicholas’ transformation into modern Santa
- We will need Christmassy refreshments to serve afterward
- Fliers are available in the foyer
- Holiday Dinner
- December 8th after the morning service
- The church will provide meats
- Bring sides, salads, desserts, etc.
- 9:38 Prayer
- Set your alarm to 9:38 (am or pm) as a daily reminder to pray for our efforts to Bless Our Community
Service Video
Sermon Title: “Kings & Presidents: A Sanctified Vision of the Kingdom”
We will post the service video on Sunday afternoon
Weekly Practice
THOSE OF US who can buy things whenever we want tend to forget that we often already have what we need. Our ability to spend can get in the way of remembering God’s abundance and make us think we are the ones providing for ourselves. This week, choose one day to go without making any purchases. Make your lunch instead of buying it. Plan to fill your tank with gas on another day. Avoid the vending machine, the shopping mall, and your Amazon app. As you do this, pray for those who cannot spend freely, and thank the God who provides for our needs out of his abundance.
Have a blessed week!