Sunday Service – 7/09/23

Welcome to our service page. We’re glad you’re here!

Our Sunday morning services start at 10:45. We have in-person Sunday school at 9:45.


  • Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
  • My Savior’s Love
  • Sweet Hour of Prayer
  • This Is Amazing Grace
  • Mighty to Save

Scripture Readings

  • Opening Reading: Psalm 145
  • Sermon Text: Galatians 2:11-14


  • Wednesday Night
    • Meal
      • 5:30 pm
      • Spaghetti
    • Age-Based Groups
      • 6:15pm
      • Adults: Bible study in Hebrews
      • Kids: Bible Lesson, Music, and Activities
  • Baby Shower for Pastor Brady and Jennifer
  • Gideon Speaker, July 30th
  • Vacation Bible School
    • August 3 & 4 @ 6-8:30pm
    • See Sherry if you would like to volunteer to help either in preparation or during VBS.

Service Video

Sermon Title: “Confess the Gap”

Weekly Practice


“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”

Ephesians 6:18, NLT

THERE IS MUCH to distract us in twenty-first-century life, and it can be difficult to stay alert and persistent in prayer. This week, replace usual distractions with the practice of breath prayer. Notice when you feel the need to check out by picking up your phone, turning on the TV or radio, or flipping through a magazine. Instead of distracting yourself, settle into the moment and pray a simple prayer in rhythm with your exhalation and inhalation. Try one of these breath prayers, or use your own:

  • Be still (inhale), and know that I am God (exhale).
  • The Lord is my shepherd (inhale); I shall not want (exhale).

Have a blessed week!

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