Online Sunday Service – 1/12/25
Welcome to our service page. We’re glad you’re here!
Typically, our Sunday morning services start at 10:45. We have Sunday school at 9:45. This week we are online only due to the icy conditions outside, and you can watch the service video below.
Scripture Readings
- Opening Psalm: Psalm 72
- Sermon Texts: Matthew 2:1-12; Isaiah 60:1-6
- No youth group this week or next
- Wednesday Night Activities
- 5:30: Pork Loin for dinner
- 6:15: Continuing Bible study in Mark.
- 9:38 Prayer
- Set your alarm to 9:38 (am or pm) as a daily reminder to pray for our efforts to Bless Our Community
Service Video
Sermon Title: “Arise and Shine”
Weekly Practice
Scripture: 3:15-17, 21-22
VERY OFTEN WHEN we come to God, we try to control the time and the conversation. This week, practice letting yourself be loved, letting yourself be given to, and letting yourself be acted upon by our good God. Set a time in which you can sit in silence for five minutes a day, or choose one day this week to sit in silence for thirty minutes. Focus your attention on receiving God’s love and on letting God do or say whatever God wants. Pay attention to what images, memories, or emotions come to mind. After your time of silence, you may want to record your experience.
Have a blessed week!